Only one of your sim’s birds can be sent treasure hunting/hunting at a time, but you can use another bird to attack sims while your other pet is hunting.ĭread Pirate Legendary Trait - The new Legendary Trait added to Sims Medieval with the Pirates & Nobles adventure pack is the Dread Pirate trait. Birds frequently bring back pieces of treasure maps and other useful items. For example, I obtained the black parrot when I sent my skeletal parrot out treasure hunting for the first time. Better quality birds become available at the village shoppe, some can be crafted (like the skeletal parrot and mechanical falcon), and some can be obtained by using another rare bird. The quality of treasure and food they bring back depends on the rarity of the bird you’re using. Parrots can be sent treasure hunting and falcons can be sent hunting for food. Both types of birds can be sent to attack nearby sims, and they can be very useful in other ways as well. When you buy or find a bird, your sim will have a whistle in the inventory, which is used to call the bird to the owner so it can be given commands. Parrots and Falcons - Now your sims can have pet parrots and falcons. Persuading sims will not harm the relationship, but you will need to raise the suspect’s will to the top of the meter in order to get the “Persuade” option. Interrogating a sim will negatively impact the relationship with that sim, so be careful when using interrogation for random amusement. Once the suspect’s will is lowered enough, the option “Interrogate” will be available when you click on the suspect. To interrogate a sim, you must lower the suspect’s will all the way to the bottom of the meter without their alertness dropping all the way. Some techniques will raise the suspect’s will while others will lower it. Your sim can use multiple techniques during the interrogation and observe the reaction of the suspect. Click on the chair to lock up a sim and then the interrogation mini-game will begin. The interrogation chair can be found in furnish mode and sometimes one will be added to public locations such as town square. Interrogation - The new interrogation chairs allow sims to interrogate or persuade other sims in order to get information and items from them. Using a luck potion or flask of fortune will help your sims acquire better treasure when hunting, but does make it less likely you will encounter the pit beast while digging. All treasure hunters should feed the pit beast often in order to improve their chances of surviving encounters. Surviving treasure hunting encounters with the pit beast can result in acquiring a baby pit beast or other special items. The pit beast encounter will leave a sim with a strong scent buff, and if they dig again while smelling of the pit beast, they are very likely to be grabbed by the beast and will fight in the pit of judgement. Sims can hunt for treasure in random locations without a map–just click on the ground and select “Dig for Treasure.” Your sim will start digging and will either find random treasure, find nothing, or encounter the pit beast. Any sim can dig up the beginner’s treasure, but other treasure maps can only be used to find the treasure once. Continue clicking the ground and reading the map until you find the spot, then click the ground and select “Dig for Treasure Here.” When you find the treasure from a map, the map will be marked “Treasure Found” in your inventory.

Go to the location you want to search, then click on the map in the inventory and select “Search for Treasure.” Next, click on the ground and select “Read Map Here.” A message will pop up telling you if you are closer, farther, or at the spot marked on your map. When using a treasure map, you will need to click on the map in your sims’ inventory and select the option “Read Map” to get clues about the general location of the treasure. Your sim can also purchase some treasure maps from the village shoppe and acquire pieces of maps during their adventures. Treasure Hunting - Any sim can hunt for treasure as long as they have a shovel equipped. Pirates & Nobles quest walk-throughs can be found on the Quest Tips page. (Base game tips found here.) This page will be updated with more tips and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have the Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles Adventure Pack, here are some tips to help you get the most out of new features and adventures.